Problemist Collections
Fichiers de problèmes à télécharger - Problemist files to download
Albums FIDE ALBUMS.ZIP (147 K)
- Album 1914-30 (album-14.pbm) [19/09/99]
- Album 1956-58 (album-56.pbm)
- Album 1974-76 (album-74.pbm) [07/01/00]
- Album 1977-79 (album-77.pbm)
- Album 1980-82 (album-80.pbm)
- Album 1983-85 (album-83.pbm)
- Album 1986-88 (album-86.pbm)
FFE Bulletins 1922-1938 BULT1FFE.ZIP (81 K) [06/02/03]
Anthologies I ANTHOLOG.ZIP (136 K)
- Beispiele zur Ideengeschichte des Schachproblems - Josef Breuer (breuer.pbm)
- Collection of 520 rare canadian chess problems published in Canadian newspapers between 1870 and 1899. (cdn19.pbm) [17/10/99]
- Le Guide des Echecs - Alain Biénabe (bienabe.pbm) [10/09/02]
- Problèmes d'échecs en 2 coups - Jean-Pierre Boyer (boyer.pbm) [10/09/02]
- Miniatures Françaises (minifrn.pbm)
- Jeux de Miroirs - François Fargette (miroir.pbm)
- 150 Problèmes d'échecs - Camil Seneca (seneca.pbm)
- White to Play Collection - Bratoljub Gruber (1925-1967) (mutatebg.pbm)
- Simple Two-Move Themes - Alain Campbel White and Frederic Bonner (simple2.pbm)
- The Good Companion Two-Mover - George Hume and Alain C. White (Gc2m.pbm) [05/03/04]
- English Chess Problems (ecp.pbm) [05/03/04]
- L'Anti-Dual - Gabriel Authier (a-dual.pbm) [10/09/02]
- Traité des échecs - G. Beudin (beudin.pbm) [18/05/02]
- Dictionnaire des échecs - Ernst Maget (dictio.pbm) [10/09/02]
- Initiation aux problèmes d'échecs - Jean Bertin (initia.pbm) [10/09/02]
- Galerie des Problémistes de France - Barthélemy (galerie.pbm) [21/05/03]
- El Arte Del Mate Directo (30300 problems) - Una Antología de Recuperación Histórica - Eduardo Sadier (mate # 2.pbm) [24/10/10]
- Kudeshnik 1991-1999 - 250 problèmes choisis (kudesnik.pbm) [01/07/00]
- 250 Oeuvres Choisies - Jean-Pierre Boyer (boyer250.pbm)
- Lignes et Figures - Jacques Savournin (savourn.pbm)
- Sam Loyd (loyd.pbm)
- Sam Loyd miniatures (miniloyd.pbm)
Monographies Download All (1157 K) [21/12/02]
- ABBOTT, J.W. 25 problems (2 K) [12/05/00]
- ABDURAHMANOVIC, Fadil 73 problems (4 K) [06/11/99]
- ADABASHEV, Mark I. 74 problems (10 K) [09/11/98]
AHUES, Herbert
789 problems (29 K) [27/10/07]
- AKERBLOM, Axel 40 problems (2 K) [28/04/00]
- ALAIKOV, Venelin 38 problems (3 K) [26/03/00]
- ANCIN Andrej 43 problems (3 K) [28/04/00]
- ANDERSON, Gerald Frank 41 problems (3 K) [30/04/00]
- ANDRADE Barry 26 problems (2 K) [13/05/00]
- ANTONOV, Jurij 32 problems (2 K) [30/04/00]
- BAIRD, W. J. 714 problems (22 K) [19/01/00]
- BAKCSI, Gyorgy 731 problems (50 K) [21/12/05]
- BANNYJ, Dmitrij 41 problems (3 K) [17/07/00]
- BARNES, Barry Peter 49 problems (3 K) [05/07/00]
- BARRY Henry William 25 problems (2 K) [13/05/00]
- BARTOLOVIC Vojko 83 problems (5 K) [26/07/00]
- BARULIN, Michail 25 problems (2 K) [28/04/00]
- BAYERSDORFER, Adolf 18 problems (1 K) [17/07/00]
- BEACH, Lennox F. 26 problems (2 K) [18/06/00]
- BELLIBONI, Caetano 43 problems (3 K) [19/03/01]
- BERNARD Henry d'Oyly 26 problems (2 K) [14/05/00]
- BETTMANN, Jacob 58 problems (3 K) [30/04/00]
- BLAKE, Percy F. 93 problems (5 K) [24/08/99]
- BLUMENTHAL, Oskar 27 problems (1 K) [13/05/00]
- BOGDANOV Evgenij 51 problems (3 K) [01/05/00]
- BOTTACCHI, Antonio 42 problems (2 K) [18/06/00]
- BOYER Jean-Pierre 127 problems (7 K) [30/07/00]
- BRABEC, Juraj 116 problems (5 K) [18/09/99]
- BREHMER, Siegfried 28 problems (2 K) [09/07/00]
- BRON, Vladimir 63 problems (4 K) [12/05/00]
- BUCHWALD, Julius 88 problems (5 K) [13/05/00]
- BURDA, Josef 41 problems (3 K) [12/05/00]
- BWEE, Hian Touw 86 problems (4 K) [26/07/00]
- CAMPO, Achile 39 problems (2 K) [09/07/00]
- CARPENTER, George Edward 52 problems (2 K) [30/07/00]
- CASA, ALex 33 problems (2 K) [29/04/00]
- CATE, Pieter Ten 47 problems (3 K) [13/05/00]
- CEPIZNIJ, Viktor 114 problems (6 K) [30/04/00]
- CERIANI, Luigi 51 problems (3 K) [29/04/00]
- CHICCO, Adriano 32 problems (2 K) [20/06/99]
- CHLUBNA, Friedrich 31 problems (2 K) [02/07/00]
- CIMBUREK, Ladislav 110 problems (5 K) [12/06/99]
- CSAK, Janos 350 problems (28 K) [21/02/01]
- DAVIDENKO, Fedor 40 problems (3 K) [03/07/99]
- DOBBS, Gilbert 26 problems (2 K) [19/08/00]
- DOBRUSKI, Jan 241 problems (8 K) [06/12/99]
- DOMBROVSKIS, Alfred 169 problems (8 K) [06/08/00]
- DRAZKOWSKI, Krzysztof 175 problems (10 K) [29/11/02]
- ELLERMAN, Arnoldo 482 problems (21 K) [01/10/00]
- EROHIN, Vladimir 84 problems (4 K) [12/05/00]
- FLECK, Ferenc 127 problems (6 K) [21/05/00]
- FOSSUM, Andre 38 problems (2 K) [20/06/99]
- FRITZ, Jindrich 48 problems (3 K) [21/05/00]
- FROBERG, Hilding 47 problems (3 K) [21/05/00]
- GAMAGE, Frederick 52 problems (3 K) [21/05/00]
- GAMNITZER, Camillo 151 problems (23 K) [27/06/99]
- GARCIA, Mario Guido 80 problems (3 K) [02/12/02]
- GEBELT, Vaclav 37 problems (3 K) [02/07/00]
- GIEGOLD, Fritz 65 problems (3 K) [27/12/01]
- GOLDSCHMEDING, Cornelius 78 problems (4 K) [27/06/99]
- GOLHA, Jan 42 problems (2 K) [27/12/01]
- GOUMONDY, Claude 175 problems (12 K) [02/12/00]
- GREENWOOD, William 29 problems (2 K) [19/06/00]
- GRIN, Alexandr 212 problems (9 K) [04/09/99]
- GROENEVELD, Cornelius 88 problems (5 K) [30/08/00]
- GRUNENWALD, Alphonse 22 problems (2 K) [31/01/01]
- GRZANKOWSKI, Waclaw 35 problems (2 K) [24/10/99]
- GUIDELLI, Giorgio 92 problems (4 K) [29/08/00]
- GULAJEV, Alexander 28 problems (3 K) [06/08/00]
- HALUMBIREK, Josef 33 problems (3 K) [09/04/00]
- HANNELIUS, Jan 49 problems (3 K) [27/06/99]
- HANNEMANN, Knud Harald 45 problems (3 K) [19/07/99]
- HARING, Jacob 93 problems (5 K) [27/06/99]
- HARTONG, Jan 138 problems (7 K) [11/08/00]
- HASSBERG, Eric Manfred 22 problems (2 K) [06/08/99]
- HAVEL, Miroslav 1625 problems (50 K) [03/09/00]
- HEATHCOTE, Godfrey 55 problems (3 K) [28/04/00]
HERLAND, Sigmund
394 problems (13 K) [08/10/07]
- JANET, Frank 56 problems (3 K) [18/06/00]
- JELINEK, Frantisek 82 problems (4 K) [10/07/99]
- KAINER, Cenek 275 problems (9 K) [20/06/99]
- KAPROS, 95 problems (5 K) [12/03/02]
- KELLER, Michael 70 problems (4 K) [10/07/99]
- KIDSON Edwin Henry 20 problems (1 K) [10/09/00]
- KIJONKA, Vilem 35 problems (2 K) [06/08/99]
- KISIS, Imants 68 problems (3 K) [29/05/00]
- KLETT, Philipp 114 problems (7 K) [06/08/99]
- KNOTEK, Ladislav 396 problems (14 K) [20/06/99]
- KNUPPERT, Hugo 23 problems (2 K) [14/08/99]
- KOFMAN, Rafael 144 problems (7 K) [04/09/99]
- KOHTZ Johannes-KOCKELKORN Carl 60 problems (3 K) [10/07/00]
- KOPAEV Vjaceslav 51 problems (4 K) [10/09/00]
- KOS, Vladimir 50 problems (3 K) [04/09/99]
- KRAETSCHMER, Ralf 107 problems (5 K) [21/12/02]
- KRIVOHLAVEK, Josef 31 problems (2 K) [14/08/99]
- KRIZOVENSKY, Marian 21 problems (2 K) [25/06/00]
- KUBBEL, Leonid Karl Arthur 64 problems (4 K) [14/08/99]
- KULIGIN, Nikolaj 44 problems (2 K) [14/08/99]
- KUZOVKOV, ALexander 51 problems (4 K) [03/07/99]
- KWIATKOWSKI, Marek 36 problems (2 K) [25/02/01] Web
- LABAI, Zoltan 582 problems (63 K) [02/10/00]
- LACNY, Ludovit 52 problems (3 K) [25/06/00]
- LARSEN, Karl Adolf Koefoed 38 problems (2 K) [10/07/99]
- LARSEN, Lars 37 problems (3 K) [19/01/00]
- LATZEL, Gerhard 33 problems (3 K) [14/08/99]
- LEGENTIL, Georges 188 problems (12 K) [10/09/02]
- LEPUSCHUTZ, Hans 50 problems (3 K) [25/07/99]
- LESCHEMELLE, Matthieu 42 problems (3 K) [12/03/02]
- LEVMAN, Semen 37 problems (2 K) [19/07/99]
- LIDER, Valentin 37 problems (2 K) [10/07/99]
- LINDGREN, Bo 44 problems (3 K) [14/08/99]
- LINDNER, Laszlo 101 problems (4 K) [06/11/99]
- LIPTON, Michael 38 problems (2 K) [18/09/99]
- LIVSIC, Eduard 24 problems (2 K) [14/08/99]
- LOBUSOV, Andrej 68 problems (4 K) [19/07/99]
- LOEPERT, Fritz 31 problems (2 K) [19/03/01]
- LOSINSKIJ, Lev 472 problems (21 K) [04/09/99]
- LOYD, Samuel 332 problems (38 K) [26/03/00]
- LUKJANOV, Valentin 69 problems (4 K) [03/07/99]
- MACH, Zdenec 34 problems (2 K) [20/05/00]
- MACLEOD, Norman 52 problems (4 K) [27/08/00]
- MADSEN, Arthur Valdemar 36 problems (2 K) [12/07/00]
- MAKARONEZ, Leonid 54 problems (3 K) [30/07/00]
- MANDLER, ARTUR 41 problems (2 K) [14/08/99]
- MANSFIELD, Comins 173 problems (8 K) [09/07/00]
- MARANDJUK, Mihail 108 problems (6 K) [30/07/00]
- MARI, Alberto 47 problems (3 K) [30/07/00]
- MATTHEWS, Robin C.O. 60 problems (4 K) [10/07/99]
- MAY, Ekkehard 12 problems (1 K) [27/12/01]
- MAZEL, Frantisek 62 problems (3 K) [29/06/00]
- MCINTYRE Donald 64 problems (3 K) [10/07/00]
- MELNICENKO, Viktor 114 problems (6 K) [09/07/00]
- MENTASTI, Gino 131 problems (15 K) [21/12/02]
- MIKAN, Ilja 174 problems (7 K) [20/06/99]
- MILTNER, Vratislav 281 problems (9 K) [25/07/99]
- MLYNKA, Karol 409 problems (51 K) [28/10/00]
- MORAVEC, Josef 336 problems (11 K) [20/06/99]
- MURDZIA, Piotr 21 problems (2 K) [12/03/02]
- MURPHY Joseph 27 problems (2 K) [29/04/00]
- MUSANTE, Horatio L. 33 problems (2 K) [07/08/00]
- MYLLYNIEMI, Matti 47 problems (3 K) [18/09/99]
- NEUKOMM Gyula 29 problems (2 K) [19/01/00]
- NIELD, Joshua 23 problems (2 K) [11/07/00]
- NIEMEIJER, Meindert 43 problems (3 K) [30/07/00]
- O'KEEFE, John James 27 problems (2 K) [07/08/00]
- PACHL, Franz 23 problems (2 K) [14/08/99]
- PACHMAN, Vladimir 473 problems (17 K) [20/05/00]
- PALATZ, Franz Ferdinand Ludwig 36 problems (3 K) [21/12/02]
- PALKOSKA, Emil 102 problems (5 K) [18/06/00]
- PAPE, Edouard 38 problems (2 K) [18/06/00]
- PAULY, Wolfgang 26 problems (2 K) [18/09/99]
- PEARSON, Cyril A. 23 problems (1 K) [21/05/00]
- PERIS, Julio Pardo 22 problems (2 K) [29/05/00]
- PERRY William E. 23 problems (2 K) [10/07/00]
- PETKOV, Petko 39 problems (3 K) [10/07/99]
- PETROVIC, Nenad 81 problems (4 K) [04/09/99]
- PHELPS, Francis Bradley 20 problems (2 K) [21/12/02]
- PIATESI, Antonio 31 problems (2 K) [04/09/99]
- PIPA, Vladimir Josufovich 72 problems (4 K) [21/12/02]
- PITUK, Alexander 136 problems (7 K) [01/10/00]
- POSPISIL, Josef 198 problems (9 K) [23/11/01]
- PREVOROVSKY, Emil 49 problems (2 K) [10/07/99]
- PROMISLO, Charles 24 problems (2 K) [09/04/00]
- RETTER, Josef 54 problems (6 K) [29/08/00]
- RICE William Bayard 26 problems (2 K) [29/04/00]
- RICE, John M. 52 problems (3 K) [29/04/00]
- RIETVELD, Johannes 38 problems (3 K) [06/11/99]
- ROCHE, Jean 76 problems (6 K) [02/11/03]
- ROURA, Juan 27 problems (2 K) [18/06/00]
- RUDENKO, Valentin 206 problems (10 K) [13/05/00]
- RUHLIS, Efim 32 problems (2 K) [04/09/99]
- RUSZCZYNSKI, Piotr 25 problems (4 K) [27/12/01]
- SABOL, Frantisek 23 problems (2 K) [21/05/00]
- SALAI, Ladislav 61 problems (3 K) [25/06/00]
- SALAZAR, Francisko 30 problems (2 K) [17/07/00]
- SAMMELIUS, Carel 30 problems (2 K) [23/01/00]
- SCHEEL Johann 32 problems (2 K) [12/05/00]
- SCHIFFMANN, Israel Abraham 20 problems (2 K) [23/01/00]
- SCHNEIDER, Michael 43 problems (3 K) [29/05/00]
- SEDEJ, Sergej 128 problems (6 K) [04/09/99]
- SEGERS, Marcel 54 problems (3 K) [12/05/01]
- SEIDER Shlomo 28 problems (2 K) [30/07/00]
- SHINKMAN, William Anthony 245 problems (8 K) [09/07/00]
- SIMONI, Francesco 53 problems (3 K) [08/11/99]
- SLADEK, Gerald 24 problems (2 K) [06/11/99]
- SOBEK, Karel 179 problems (6 K) [18/09/99]
- SOVIK, Stefan 43 problems (4 K) [01/10/00]
- SPARKE, Arthur M. 82 problems (4 K) [18/06/00]
- SPECKMAN, Werner 704 problems (22 K) [25/02/01]
- ST-MAURICE, Ephrem 32 problems (2 K) [15/10/00]
- STOCCHI, Ottavio 862 problems (33 K) [10/07/03]
- STUBBS, Arthur Goodwin 42 problems (2 K) [17/07/00]
- STUBBS, Charles Francis 36 problems (2 K) [17/07/00]
- SVOBODA Rudolf 71 problems (3 K) [22/07/00]
- SWANE, John Arnold W. 22 problems (2 K) [11/07/00]
- SZWEDOWSKI, Leopold 181 problems (13 K) [27/08/00]
- TAFFS Anthony J. 24 problems (1 K) [14/05/00]
- TARABA, Jozef 159 problems (18 K) [03/12/00]
- TEED, Melville Frank 21 problems (1 K) [25/06/00]
- TELKES, Imre 20 problems (2 K) [21/05/00]
- THURSBY, John 72 problems (4 K) [02/10/00]
- TKACENKO Sergej I. 23 problems (2 K) [21/05/00]
- TRAXLER Karel Peter 29 problems (2 K) [09/07/00]
- TURA Waldemar 113 problems (6 K) [27/12/01]
- TUXEN Harry Vigo 43 problems (2 K) [17/07/00]
- TUZAR, Vaclav 84 problems (5 K) [10/07/99]
- UMNOV, Evgenij 52 problems (3 K) [17/07/00]
- VALUSKA, Jan 144 problems (13 K) [14/10/00]
- VALVE, Leo Erland 131 problems (6 K) [07/08/00]
- VAN DIJK, Nils 67 problems (4 K) [25/07/99]
- VASTA, Jan 671 problems (21 K) [03/07/99]
- VELIMIROVIC, Milan 105 problems (8 K) [23/11/01]
- VISSERMAN, Eeltje 172 problems (8 K) [20/05/00]
- VOTRUBA, Otokar 27 problems (2 K) [18/09/99]
- WAINWRIGHT Joseph C. 35 problems (2 K) [19/06/00]
- WEENINK, Henry Gerard 49 problems (3 K) [19/06/00]
- WENDA, Jan 114 problems (5 K) [02/07/00]
- WESTBURY Eric 27 problems (2 K) [18/06/00]
- WHEELER Charles H. 37 problems (2 K) [02/07/00]
- WHITE Alan Campbell 57 problems (3 K) [02/07/00]
- WHITE, Charles of Sunbury 99 problems (3 K) [26/03/00]
- WIELGOS, Oskar 165 problems (7 K) [28/04/01]
- WILLIAMS, Philip Hamilton 48 problems (2 K) [06/08/99]
- WIRTANEN, Erkki 39 problems (3 K) [29/05/00]
- WROBEL, Marian 61 problems (5 K) [23/07/00]
- WURZBURG, Otto 151 problems (6 K) [05/08/00]
- ZAGORUJKO, Leonid 65 problems (4 K) [05/08/00]
- ZAPPAS, Byron 88 problems (5 K) [29/05/00]
- ZEMAN, Antonin 37 problems (2 K) [10/07/99]
- ZEPLER, Erich 51 problems (3 K) [10/07/99]
- ZIMMERMANN, Stepan 151 problems (5 K) [03/07/99]
- ZIRKWITZ, Thorsten 112 problems (5 K) [02/12/02] http://homepage.mac.com/thzirkwitz/main.html
- ZUJEV, Nikolaj 76 problems (4 K) [22/02/03]
Various libraries LIBS.ZIP (223 K)
- 42WCCT.PBM (28 problems from Internet Award Tourney - Netanya 1999 - //www.geocities.com/Colosseum/4530/netanyaward.htm) [19/11/00]
- 6WCCT.pbm (33 problems from 6. WCCT 1996-2000 Original compilation by R.KRÄTSCHMER)
- 7WCCT.pbm (287 problems from 7. WCCT) [10/07/03]
- AUSTRIA.PBM (67 problems by W. Folser, W. Schmoll and G. Sladek from www.osiris.co.at/chess) [31/10/99]
- BRAZIL.PBM (151 problems by brazilain chess problem composers) [27/04/01]
- CYCLIC.PBM (172 problems with cyclic themes from members.tripod.com/~JurajLorinc/chess) [10/12/00]
- CZECH.PBM (~370 problems from freeweb.coco.cz/zavodny/strateg.htm)
- DENMARK.PBM (52 problems of various danish composers from http://hjem.get2net.dk/skak/dansk_skakproblem_klub) [01/05/00]
- DONFRENCH.PBM(~250 probl. from library of software "Problematic")
- FAKTY.pbm (175 problems from slovak magazine "Fakty" 1994-1998) [10/07/03]
- GAVIRIA.PBM (15 problems by J.A. GAVIRIA from members.xoom.com/bangok) [30/11/02]
- INTERNET.PBM (~480 problems from various web sites)
- ITALSCAC.PBM (~660 problems from italian review "Italia Scacchistica" www.maskeret.com/italiascacchistica/) [30/11/02]
- LINSS.PBM (76 problems by T.LINSS from www.math.tu-dresden.de/~torsten/problem/tlisproblems.html) [25/09/99]
- LOYD2.PBM (108 problems 2# by S.Loyd from www.xs4all.nl/~dsu/)
- MARKS.PBM (12 problems by U.MARKS home.t-online.de/home/christianfunke/) [10/12/00]
- MEYNSBRU.PBM (34 problems by M.MEYNSBRUGHEN from perso.infonie.fr/clafouti) [04/12/99]
- MOMENT.PBM (47 problems from magazine "MOMENT" - members.tripod.com/~JurajLorinc/chess) [20/07/01]
- MORAVIA.PBM (136 problems by moravian & slesian composer from freeweb.coco.cz/zavodny/strateg.htm) [24/12/99]
- PATAMAT.PBM (72 problems of magazine "PAT A MAT" from members.tripod.com/~JurajLorinc/chess) [20/07/01]
- PMT98.PBM (111 problems from Politika Meredith Tourney 1998 - //www.sahovski.co.yu/) [19/11/00]
- PRBLEMAS.PBM (93 problems of magazine "PROBLEMAS" from members.tripod.com/~JurajLorinc/chess) [20/07/01]
- RUMYANTS.PBM (40 problems by S.RUMYANTSEV from ruser.8m.com) [12/04/99]
- SANKARAN.PBM (53 problems by N. SANKARAN from www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Peaks/2980/chess.htm)
- STELLAP1.PBM (76 problems of magazine STELLA POLARIS n°1-1966 from hjem.get2net.dk/skak/dansk_skakproblem_klub) [09/04/00]
- SWEDEN.PBM (40 problems by G.Forslund,R. Ericsson and A. Hellstrom) [23/10/99]
- TLVIDRAI.PBM (~310 2# problems from "Televideo" of italian television)
- TROLL.PBM (~600 problems from Magazine TROLL http://www.maerchenschach.de/) [30/11/02]
- VINCENZI.PBM (~210 problems from book "Problemi di scacchi inediti" by Renato Di Vincenzi)
- VOKAL.PBM (67 problems from turing.upjs.sk/~vokal/chcomp.html by S. Vokal) [25/09/99]
- WCPC97.PBM (~90 problems from 40th World Congress of Chess Composition 1997)
- ZIDEKS.PBM (~90 problems by A. ZIDEKS from www.phone-soft.at/cyberworld/p-schach/top.htm)
- 1951-19551153 Problems
- 1956-1959 396 Problems
- 1960-1965 573 Problems
- 1966-1969 749 Problems
- 1970-1975 225 Problems
- 1976-1979 510 Problems
- 1980-19851378 Problems
- 1986-1989 714 Problems
- 1990-1995 898 Problems
- 1996-1999 651 Problems
- TS94_95.PBM [25/09/99]
- TS96_97.PBM
- TS98_99.PBM [04/03/00]
- TS2000.PBM [30/06/02]
- TCS_2000.PBM [30/06/02]
- TCS_2001.PBM [30/06/02]
- SCACCO95.PBM [07/12/02]
- SCACCO98.PBM [04/03/00]
- SCACCO99.PBM [04/03/00]
- MAT64.PBM [30/11/02]
- PRAVDA.PBM [15/01/04]
SLOVENSKI DENNIK 1990-1994 SLOVDENN.ZIP (10 K) [22/02/03]
HLAS LUDU 1968-1980 HLASLUDU.ZIP (49 K) [05/03/04]
FAKTY 1995-1998 FAKTY.ZIP (9 K) [05/12/03]